First Generation in the family to undergo graduation can apply for Free Education Scheme.
Govt of India Ministry of Labour Scholarship for Wards of Beedi Workers
Govt. of India Scholarship for Physically Handicapped and Blind Welfare Scholarship
Adhi Dravida Scholarship for the Hindu Scheduled Caste / Tribe
(i) M.S. University Merit Scholarship
(ii) National Merit Scholarship
XIII. Tamil Nadu Educational Trust Fund, Kanyakumari District.i. Those who have scored the highest mark in plus two examination.ii. Parent’s Annual Income not to exceed Rs.12,000/-iii. Scholarship if any received already should not exceed Rs.500/- per annum.
iv. Only under graduate students are eligible to get
scholarships irrespective of caste and community.
XIV. Freedom Fighter’s Scholarship
i. Students whose parents have participated in the emancipation of India and have under gone a minimum of three months imprisonment are eligible for the award of the scholarship scheme besides fee concessions for their studies in colleges and professional courses of studies. Post graduate students are not eligible for this scholarship.
ii. Parental income not to exceed Rs. 12,000/-
XV. Scholarship for the children of Defence service personnel
Children of dependents of service personnel and Ex-Servicemen are awarded scholarships and fee concessions.
i. Should have scored 50% and above in the last examination attended.
XVI. K.P. Narayanan Nair Memorial Free Education Scheme for three economically deserving linguistic minority students.