Scoparia dulcis L.


Scoparia dulcis L.

Common Name: Sweet Broom
Family: Scrophulariaceae.
Vernacular Names: Mithi Patti – Hindi., Kallurukki – Tamil., Kallurukki – Malayalam
Synonyms: Scoparia ternata Forssk., Scoparia purpurea Ridl.
Plant Description: S. dulcis is a perennial herb that can grow upto 1.5 meters tall. It has slender angled branches and leaves that are oppsite or in whorls of three. Leaves are elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers are small with a white, rotate corolla. Seeds are truncate and reticulate.
Distribution and Habitat: S. dulcis is found in moist thickets, along sandy stream beds and in waste or cultivated ground. It can be found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions.
Medicinal Uses: This plant is used as antidiabetic, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic and hypoglycemic activity. It is also said to have cytoprotective and antioxidant potential and to be a blood purifier, hepatic and stomachic and to relieve vomiting in the infants.