Piper nigram L.

Common Name: Black pepper

Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper nigram
Species: nigram
Malayalam Name: Kurumulaku
Tamil Name: Milaku
Plant Description
It a tropical woody climbers, climbing up to 8 m high. Rooting at nodes. Leaves simple, opposite, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-elliptic. Petiole 0.5-4 cm long, glabrous, Flowers polygamous, usually monoecious, slender spikes, pendulous. Drupes sessile, red when ripe, drying black when unripe, pyriform or globose.
Black pepper is used as a culinary spice or seasoning, and has also been used in traditional medicine. The active constituent in the plant is piperine, which has been used as a natural bioenhancer to potentiate the therapeutic effects of other drugs. Cooking
A staple spice in cooking, black pepper adds flavor and heat to dishes. It can also be used in b Medicine
Black pepper has many medicinal uses, including:
Treating coughs, colds, sore throats, constipation, diarrhea, earaches, and more
It is used for reducing inflammation and pain, preventing cancer, reducing cholesterol and triglyceride, improving metabolism and aiding weight loss.
Black pepper can be added to beverages like cocktails, coffee, tea, lemonade, or soda.
Black pepper essential oil is used in cosmetics and health products like beard balm, beard oil, and skin creams.