Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common Name: Little Glory
Vernacular Name: Vishnu Kranta (Hindi, Sanskrit), Vishnu Kranti (Malayalam)
Plant Description
The Slender Dwarf Morning Glory is a flowering tropical, herbaceous perennial plant with showy blue flowers.
Habit: Herb
Height: Upto 30cm
Stem: Prostrate or ascending, slender with appressed and spreading hairs
Leaves: Petiolate or subsessile, 0.7-2.7 cm long, 5-10mm long
Flowers: Isolated or grouped in paciflorous cymes, borne by filiform peduncles. The calyx is formed by villous, lanceolate sepals. The rounded corolla, with pentameric symmetry, blue in color, rarely white. The stamens, with filiform filaments, are united at the base of the corolla tube. The ovary, glabrous, is surmounted by two free styles.
Fruit: Globular capsule, with four valves, generally containing four seeds that are black and smooth.
Medicinal Properties
• It is used extensively as a febrifuge and tonic.
• With cumin and milk, it is used for fever, nervous debility, loss of memory, syphilis, scrofula, etc.
• It is said to be a sovereign remedy for bowel complaints, especially dysentery.
• Leaves are used for herbal smoking to treat bronchitis and asthma.
• In depression and dysentery, the stem and root extract is used.
• Root decoction is consumed to treat cough and cold.
• The powdered leaves are applied over sours and pounded leaves are applied over enlarged glands of the neck.
• Leaf juice is consumed for fever.
• Decoction prepared from its petals showed antifungal property.