Rubia cordifolia


Rubia cordifolia L.

Common Name: Manchatti
Family: Rubiaceae
Vernacular Names: Bhedeli Majathi – Assamese., Sayakodi – Tamil., Chovvallikodi, Manjithi- Malayalam., Manjishtha – Hindi
Synonyms: Rubia cordifolia var. coriacea., Rubia cordata ., Galium cordifolium ., Rubia scandens.
Plant Description: R. cordifolia is aperennial climbing herb that can grow to 1.5 m in height. The evergreen leaves are 5 – 10 cm long and 2 – 3 cm broad. Leaves are ovate- heatshaped entire, pointed, heart shaped at base. It climbs with tiny hooks at the leaves and stems. Flowers are small, 3 – 5 mm across with five greenish yellow or pale yellow petals in dense racemes. Fruit is a small red to black berry.
Distribution and Habitat: R. cordifolia is distributed throughout the Mediterranean region, Asia, Africa and it is a climber which grows in the forests.
R. cordifolia is used both internally as well as externally. Roots of Manjistha is highly recommended in skin diseases associated with edema and oozing. The wound and ulcers dressed with manjistha ghrita heal promptly and get dried up and well cleansed.