Pterospermum rubiginosum Heyne
Common name: Ellutti
Family – Sterculiaceae
Genus: Pterospermum
Species: rubiginosum
Malayalam name: Malamthodali, Chitttilaplavu, Ellooti, Edinjal,
Tamil Names: Chittileipolavu.
Synonym: Pterospermadendron rubiginosum (Heyne ex G. Don)
Plant Description
Pterospermum rubiginosum is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 20 meters in height. The bark of the tree is brown and flakes off in thin rectangular strips.
Leaves are simple, alternate, and ovate-lanceolate in shape, with entire margins. The upper surface of the leaves is glabrous (smooth), while the underside is densely covered with white tomentose (hairy) texture.
Flowers are bisexual, white, and typically solitary, appearing in axillary positions. The calyx is tubular with five linear lobes and has a silky white interior.
Traditional tribal healers use this for treating inflammation and pain relief procedures. Bark .extract is consumed to relive the inflammations at bone fractured site
Bone fractures: The inner bark of the plant is applied to fracture site like a plaster or bandage. The bark can also be boiled in water and consumed to relieve pain
Inflammation: Leaf extract is mixed with warm oil and is used for massaging to relieve pain and inflammation.