Piper betle L.

Common Name: Betel

Family –Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: betle
Malayalam Name: Vettila
Tamil Name: Vetrilai

Plant Description: Piper betle is a perennial, evergreen climber with glossy leaves. Leaves: Large, heart-shaped, and glossy, with 5–20 cm long petioles
Stems: Semi-woody, green or pinkish green, and cylindrical or bilaterally pressed
Inflorescence: Long spikes with long peduncles
Taste: Varies from sweet to pungent

Uses: Betel vine leaves are important because of its medicinal, religious and ceremonial. It also prevents halitosis, improves vocalization, and strengthens gum, treat indigestion, constipation, congestion, coughs and asthma.
Antibacterial: Piper betle leaves have antibacterial properties against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including multidrug resistant bacteria
Anti-cancer: Betel leaves contain polyphenol compounds that may have anti-carcinogenic properties.
Wound healing: Betel leaves have been used traditionally for wound healing.
Halitosis: Betel leaves have been used traditionally to prevent bad breath.
Digestion: Betel leaves have been used to enhance digestion.
Anti-inflammatory: Betel leaves have anti-inflammatory properties
Respiratory tract: Betel leaves can help expel mucus from the respiratory tract.