Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link

Scientific Name: Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link
Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name: Wild Spikenard, Thumbs Up, White Leucas
Tamil Name: Thumbai தும்பை
Malayalam Name: Thumba (തുമ്പ), Chiruthumba, (ചിരുത്തുമ്പ)
• Leucas angustifolia (Roxb.)
• Leucas roxburghii
• Leucas nervosa
Botanical Description:
• Habit: Leucas aspera is an erect, branched, herbaceous plant that grows up to 30-60 cm tall. It is often found in wastelands, roadsides, and in open fields.
• Stem: The stem is quadrangular (four-angled), soft, and covered with fine, short hairs.
• Leaves: The leaves are simple, opposite, ovate to lanceolate, with rough margins. The leaves are light green, with a prominent network of veins.
• Flowers: The flowers are small, tubular, and white with purple markings at the tips, arranged in whorls in dense spikes. They are borne at the top of the plant in long, terminal inflorescences.
• Fruit: The plant produces small, brown or grayish seeds within a small capsule. The seeds are hard and slightly flattened.
1. Traditional Medicine:
o Leucas aspera is used extensively in Ayurvedic and folk medicine across India and Southeast Asia for its medicinal properties.
o Respiratory Disorders: The plant is widely used for treating ailments such as asthma, cough, and bronchitis. A decoction of its leaves or roots is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory for respiratory conditions.
o Wound Healing: The leaves, when crushed, are applied topically to cuts, bruises, and other skin wounds due to their antiseptic properties.
o Digestive Issues: It is used to treat digestive disorders such as dysentery, diarrhea, and indigestion. The roots or leaves are consumed to alleviate these problems.
o Pain Relief: The plant is also used as a natural pain reliever. It is believed to have analgesic properties, making it useful for treating conditions like headaches and joint pain.
o Antimalarial: Traditionally, it has been used in some regions for treating fever and malaria, although this use is less common today.