Cynodon dactylon


Cynodon dactylon Pers.


Family: Graminae
Common Name: Bermuda grass
Vernacular Names: Dub Hariali (Hindi), durva (Sanskrit), Arugam Pillu (Tamil), Karukapullu (Malayalam)

Plant Description
Cynodon dactylon is a perennial grass that is native to Africa, Europe, Australia, and much of Asia.
Habit: Herb
Height: 10-60 cm
Stem: Purplish, very ramified, spreading at the soil surface by long rhizomes and stolons
Leaves: blue-green, linear-acute leaves with a sheath
Flowers: compact clusters of spikelets that grow on 3–6 horizontally spreading branches
Beneficial Properties
Medicinal Properties
• Cynodon dactylon can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
• It has antioxidant properties.
• The plant can help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
• It can protect the heart.
• The aqueous extract has antibacterial, analgesic, and antipyretic properties.
• It has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
• Cynodon dactylon has been used to treat diabetes in Indian traditional medicine.
Other uses
• Cynodon dactylon is used on putting greens on golf courses in tropical and subtropical climates.
• It can be used to bind sand and regrows even after long dry periods.
• It can be used as a mown roadside verge.