Cardiospermum halicacabum L.

Family: Sapindaceae
Common Name: Balloon vine
Vernacular Names: Kanphata (Hindi), Indravalli (Sanskrit), Kottavan (Tamil), Uzhinja (Malayalam)
Plant Description
Habit: Herb
Height: 10 ft
Stem: slender, downy stems, trailing or climbing with tendrils up to 3m on support
Leaves: Alternate, biternately compound with large teeth and lobes, triangular in outline, papery-thin with serrate margins, lateral leaflets smaller than terminal leaflet.
Flowers: Small, white flowers that bloom from summer to fall.
Fruit: Balloon-like, inflated capsules that are green when young and turn brown as they mature. The capsules are thin-shelled and contain three black seeds with a white heart-shaped scar.
Medicinal Properties
• C. halicacabum is used to treat a variety of conditions, including rheumatism, abdominal pain, skin diseases, and nervous disorders.
• It has many pharmacological properties, including anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-diabetic, and antibacterial properties.
• A paste made from dried leaves and garlic can be used as an inhalant to clear nasal passages.
• A paste made from dried leaves and garlic can be applied to the skin to treat skin disorders like scabies and eczema.
• The root of C. halicacabum can be used as a laxative, diuretic, emetic, purgative, and diaphoretic.
Other Uses
• In Indian cuisine, C. halicacabum is used to add flavor and texture to soups.
• C. halicacabum is a host plant for caterpillars of tropical American butterflies.