Acalypha indica L.


Common Name: Indian Mercury
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Vernacular Names: Kuppe gida – Kannada., Kuppaimeni – Tamil., Kuppakeera – Malayalam.
Synonyms: Acalypha bailloniana Mull. Arg., Acalypha chinensis Benth., Acalypha fimbriata Baill.
Plant Description: A. indica is an erect annual herb that can be easily distinguished by the cup-shaped involucre that surrounds the small flowers in the catkin-like inflorescence. It can grow upto 1.2 m tall in favourable circumstances, but is usually smaller. Leaves are broad ovate, 1.2 cm – 6.5 cm x 1 cm – 4 cm. Leaf base is rounded to shortly attenuate. Leaf margin is basally 5-nerved and is crenate- serrate with an acute or obtuse apex. Flowers are axillary spike. Fruit is 3-lobed tuberculate and pubescent.
Distribution and Habitat: This plant grows in disturbed places such as waste lands, road sides, crevices in walls. It also grows in rocky hillsides, forest edges and river banks. It prefers moist and shaded places.
A. indica is also known as anti-aging drug. It is used to treat a variety of ailments including bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, intestinal worms, stomach aches, skin diseases.