Thottea siliquosa

Thottea siliquosa (Lam.) Ding Hou

Common Name: Chakrani
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Vernacular Names: Alpom- Tamil., Alpam- Malayalam., Kodassari – Sanskrit
Synonyms: Apama laurifolia Raf., Apama siliquosa Lam ., Bragantia wallichi Wight & Arn ., Trimeriza piperina Lindl.
Plant Description: T. siliquosa is a shrub, branchlets angled. Leaves 19 – 25 x 5 -8 cm, elliptic to oblong, apex acuminate and petiole 5 mm long. Flowers are in axillary fascicles, 1 – 5 together, perianth lobed united into a cup, acute, stamens 12, united in 3 groups. Stigma peltate, many lobed, capsule to cylindrical seeds 2 mm long trigonous, rugose.
Distribution and Habitat: T. siliquosa is distributed in Peninsular India and Sri Lanka in the evergreen and semi-evergreen forests.
T. siliquosa root help to promote the healing of chronic sores and ulcers.It is also useful for the treatment of dysentery and cholera. The root and leaves are recommended in the treatment of snake bite.