Strobilanthes alternata (Burm.f.) Moylan ex J.R.I.Wood


Common Name: Red ivy, Purple waffle plant

Synonyms: Hemigraphis alternata (Burm.f.) T.Anderson
Hemigraphis colorata W.Bull
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Strobilanthes
Species: alternata
Malayalam Name: Murikootti
Tamil Name: Murikootti
Plant Description: It is a tropical perennial plant that is native to Java and India. It has purple leaves. It can grow to be 6–9 inches tall and spreads along the ground, rooting at the stem nodes. It is shade-tolerant and can invade the understory of wetter forests in warmer climates.
Uses: to treat the fresh wounds and also used in the treatment of cuts, ulcers, inflammation, internally to cure anaemia, haemorrhoids, diuretic, gallstones and diabetes mellitus.
Wound healing: The leaves of this tropical herb are traditionally used to treat wounds, cuts, ulcers, and inflammation. The aqueous leaf extract of the plant has shown significant healing effects.
Ornamental plant: Hemigraphis alternata is a popular ornamental plant for its metallic green and purple foliage. It can be planted as a ground cover or carpet plant in gardens.
Biomedical research: The leaf extract of Hemigraphis alternata can be used to develop biodegradable films with antimicrobial, hydrophilic, and anti-cancer properties. These films can be used in wound care therapy.